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Keep an eye open for those "Fair maids of February."

I read today that primroses are the "official flower of February." so when I venture out into the desolation that is our garden I shall have a search for them. I have already been hugely cheered by the bright yellow winter aconites which are shining like little jewels. I'm still waiting for the snowdrops to appear. I can see the little green spears but impatient to welcome the white nodding bells.

We as a Choir are non functioning yet but we are as anxious to "get going" as we are to see the snowdrops.

I do hope you are all coping with the enforced isolation caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. Perhaps like our Choir members you have found alternative hobbies and activities to keep minds and bodies in good nick. Singing and even dancing along to the radio in the privacy of your own home is ideal for a decent workout and if you have discovered creative and artistic skills that you didn't know you had, how satisfying.

I am looking forward to seeing a sea of friendly audience faces and dusting off my file of "Choir Poems" ready for our Concerts. To that end contact details are:

Margaret, our concert secretary, 01623 642464 or 07896491314

We are also on Twitter, Facebook and You Tube

Take care, stay safe, and keep an eye open for those "Fair maids of February."



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