Happy New year
And a Happy New year. Still got a few carols stuck in my head. I'm sure I shall manage to put them all to slumber when the Dukeries Singers begin learning new music in the New year. We hope to resume choir practise in January 2020 with a new Musical director. If you would like to sing with the choir we have spaces for all vocal parts, soprano, alto, tenor and bass. If you have enjoyed singing with a choir you already know what a joyful experience it can be. We are an adult mixed voice choir and have a well deserved reputation for singing a wide variety of music. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube and our website. www.the dukeriessingers.com. We rehearse every Wednesday evening, from 7.30pm untill 9pm in the conert hall Foyer at the Dukeries Academy, Ollerton. This is best accessed via the Leisure Centre entance and car park.
We are taking bookings for 2020 and we have a new concert secretary, Margaret. If you would like to book the choir for your annivesary, celebration, charity fund raising, or any other event, she would be delighted to hear from you on 01623 642464 or 07896 49134.
Have a very happy and healthy 2020. It will soon be snowdrop time.