January Update
We have had a very busy Christmas schedule and have come through it all having sung at the Lights turn on at Edwinstowe High Street, Winterfest at Thoresby Courtyard, Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre, Milton Mausoleum, Norwood Park Christmas Experience, The Alders Pub/Restaurant and Edwinstowe Village Hall. I think we could all have relished a lie down in a darkened room!! but our audiences enjoyed it all, as did we, and we had wonderfully committed Choir members who turned out to all these events. I must think on for next year and get the Thermal Undies right. At some venues they were needed and at other venues we were in sauna conditions!! Many thanks to all the appreciative audiences who certainly enjoyed the wonderful Christmas music we performed.
Looking forward to the New Year, we have some Concerts in the pipeline for Spring with dates to be arranged. We are also taking bookings for 2018. If you would like us to sing for your celebration, charity, or fund raising event, please give Phil our Concert Secretary a ring on 01623 822070. He would be delighted to hear from you.
Choir rehearsals begin again on Wednesday, 17 January, 2018, from 7-30pm until 9-15pm, in the Concert Hall at The Dukeries Academy, best accessed via the Leisure Centre entrance and car park.
For more information about the Choir, you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and on line at
And a Happy New Year to you all.