August Update
Compelled to come indoors and watch Wimbledon due to the vagaries of the weather-----------oh what a shame!
The Choir have performed two super concerts during June with a most varied repertoire and excellent
soloists. There is a blog on our website regarding them. Do log into it. All our details are on our website including an invitation to join us . If you enjoy singing you would be most welcome. We are a very supportive and friendly group of people. We rehearse every Wednesday from 7-30pm until 9-30pm above the Concert Hall at the Dukeries Academy in Ollerton. This is best accessed via the Leisure Centre entrance and car park.
However we are taking a three week Summer break. There will be no rehearsals on 17 August, 24 August and 31 August 2016.
We are so looking forward to our next concert which will be a joint one with "Les Baladins des Bords de L'Indre" from Tours, France. on Friday 28 October at East Drayton Church. We do not yet know whether we shall be required to sing in French but we do have a French Lady in the choir and I do know where the Dictionaries and Phrase books are!
I am off outside again to continue the war against the largest population of slugs and snails I have ever known. The toll is usually -- slugs-Nil, me-lots! I have a friend who cannot bear to kill them, so collects them in a pot and takes them to a highly plant orientated lay by and releases them for their holiday.
Have a lovely pest free Summer.