May Update
The Dukeries Singers I am hoping that by the time you read this, my greenhouse is not quite so bulging in every direction and some of the plants now being nursed, will have gathered some muscles and be brave enough to survive being hardened off , with expectations of being planted in the great outdoors at the end of the month.
Enough of outdoor hobbies and more of the sheer pleasure pastime-----singing. It is so energising and uplifting to sing with other like minded people and such a joy to bring entertainment to others when we perform. If you have an upcoming fund raising event or a celebration of some kind and you think that a choir would enhance your enjoyment, please contact our Concert Secretary Phil on 01623 822070, he would be delighted to speak with you.
We have no Concerts this month but we have two events in June;
Saturday 18 June A Summer Concert in Edwinstowe Village Hall at 7pm. Tickets are available for this very popular Concert and available from Choir members or Jan on 01623 823416
Saturday 25 June A Concert at Milton Mausoleum, Nr. Walesby at 7pm. I have seen this unique building many times but we have never performed at this venue before and we are really looking forward to it.
We love to welcome new singers, especially gentlemen. There are no auditions and there is no necessity to be able to read music, our Musical Directors are wonderfully enthusiastic and encouraging. We rehearse every Wednesday from 7-30pm. until 9-30pm. above the Concert Hall at the Dukeries Academy. This is accessed by the Leisure Centre entrance and car park.
You can find us on our website We also have some pages on utube using the same address.
We hope Spring is springing beautifully for you wherever you are.