April Update
Here we are in March and it's Spring in gardening circles. It is said that if you can sit on the bare soil with a similarly attired bottom, then it's warm enough to begin planting! I just have a guess at the temperature before committing my potatoes and radishes to the elements.
The Dukeries Singers are rehearsing new items for their upcoming performances as well as keeping up with some older favourites. We still welcome new members, especially more men. We are a very friendly group and you are very welcome to come and give us a try and see whether this an activity for you. Singing is a most uplifting experience. As a group you are working together to produce a beautiful sound which gives enormous pleasure to a lot of people. You can see us on our website thedukeriessingers.com where you will find all our details. We also have some UTube sites where you can hear us in performance. We meet every Wednesday from 7-30pm to 9-30pm in the Foyer above the Concert Hall at The Dukeries Academy in Ollerton. This is best accessed from the Leisure Centre entrance and car park.
We have Concerts planned for Spring and Summer; a joint Concert with Newstead Abbey Singers and another with The Dukeries Concert Band and with a French Choir who will be visiting later in the Summer and I will keep you posted with firm dates and details in future updates. We have lots of dates available if you are planning a fund raising or celebratory event and would like us to perform for you. Our Concert Secretary Phil on 01623 822070 would be delighted to hear from you.
A happy Spring to you all Jan